Welcome to Fodoj

Hey 👋

We are a EU-based IT-service company, legally named "Fodoj", but more commonly known as mkdev.

Our core business is serving our customers with our skills and experience in Cloud Native, Public Cloud and DevOps areas.

But most importantly, we are makers and builders. We love to build products and over the years succesfuly launched a number of them.

Explore what we offer:


mkdev is a Cloud Native and DevOps consultancy. We are here to boost your productivity, reduce cloud costs and complexity, and enhance your standing as a true tech leader.


Fast, simple and cheap pay-as-you-go tool to transcribe speech to text using the most advanced tech. Loved by academics, journalists and podcasters from all over the world.


The accurate time tracker built to comply with EU labour law. We built it for ourselves and use it every day, but it's also used by many companies in Germany and Spain.
